BigQuery is Enterprise Data Warehouse and it can process SQL query very rapidly.
In this article, let me explain how to set up BigQuery.
In this article, let me explain how to set up BigQuery.
How to set up BigQuery
Firstly, click BigQuery in the GCP management console.

You can see explorer of BigQuery.
Let’s set dataset by clicking Create dataset button.
Let’s set dataset by clicking Create dataset button.

Input Dataset ID and select Data location.
You can see that your dataset is created successfully.
Next, click Open button in your dataset setting.
Your dataset setting is appeared.
And click “+” button.
Next let’s create table for your analysis.
In this case, data prepared as CSV file is selected and click Create table.
Data in CSV file is imported successfully !!
You can analyze data by executing SQL.
Click QUERY button.
Input SQL as you like and click RUN button.
You can see the result of SQL execution successfully !!