Let’s try to develop an application by applying AWS services. You can join modern application development by utilizing AppSync and Amplify with React & GraphQL.
Firstly, I would like to introduce AWS AppSync in this article. AppSync simplifies process of application development by providing useful APIs and communication with backend systems.
How to set up AWS AppSync
Firstly, open AppSync console in the AWS management console and click Create API button.
And, I recommend you to choose Create with wizard if it is your first time, and click Start button.
Next, create a model.
Input Model Name as you like.
And, Add field according to your application’s requirement.
In my case, I added content and author as new fields.
Next, change the table name if you want.
And click Create button.
Next, input API name as you like.
Every necessary services will be created in a few minutes.
After that, you can see that your API is successfully created as below.
By clicking on Schema button, you can see the schema that was already created.
By clicking on Data Sources, you can see Data source that was created by AppSync automatically.
And, this data source was created on Dynamo DB.
Click the link on the Resource item.
Then, DynamoDB screen will be appeared as below.
OK, background resources have been created successfully.
In my next article, Let me explain how to create React application !!