

[AWS] How to allow EC2 instance to access S3 bucket

Purpose In this article, let me explain how to access your S3 bucket from EC2 instance. You need to assign a role to yo...

[AWS] How to create S3 bucket

How to create S3 bucket Firstly, start S3 console from AWS management console. Next, click Create bucket. And, in...

[Java] How to install Tomcat in Eclipse

Pre-requisite 1. Install Eclipse. How to install Tomcat Firstly, I created Dynamic web project in eclipse. Input...

[AWS] How to change instance type of EC2

How to change instance type of EC2 You can change instance type of EC2 instance very easily. Adjust EC2 instance type b...

[Linux] Basic Knowledge of Network

Basic Knowledge of Network Even though If you are a server engineer, you need to have basic knowledge of Network. Let...

[Java] Setup Eclipse

Install Eclipse Eclipse is an integrated development environment (IDE) used in computer programming. For your java dev...

Linux ~Group and User~

Manage group and user 1. useradd Create new user. <Option> -c : input comment -g : designate primary g...

[AWS] How to Launch EC2 Linux Instance

Pre-requisite Set up VPC in advance. Please refer to it if you have not created it. Set up EC2 Instance I would like...

[AWS] Set up AutoScaling ~Set up Auto Scaling Groups~

Pre-Condition 1. Create Launch Templates 2. Create VPC and Subnet Set up Auto Scaling Groups Open EC2 instan...

[AWS] Set up AutoScaling ~Set up Launch Templates~

Pre-Condition 1. Create AMI image of your EC2 instance. Please refer to below page. Set up Launch Templates T...