

Linux ~Basic Knowledge of Linux~

First of all I am IT infrastructure engineer and develop/operate Linux machine. In this series, I would like to share b...

[AWS] How to create RDS ~Part7 of Redundant Website~

First of all In my previous article,  I've explained how to create SSL Certificate and associate with your domain. In t...

[AWS] How to develop Redundant Web System ~Part6: SSL Certificate~

First of all In my previous article,  how to associate your domain with AWS Route 53. In this article, I would like to ...

[AWS] How to develop Redundant Web System ~Part5: Route53~

First of all In my previous article, I've explained how to get free domain by Freenom service. Next, let me introduce h...

[AWS] How to develop Redundant Web System ~Part4: Get Domain~

First of all In my previous article, I've explained how to create ELB. However, it is not convenient for users to acces...

[Domain] How to get free Domain

First of all Let me introduce how to get free domain by using no-ip service. It is useful if you want to do testing wit...

[Azure] Migration from AppGW v1 to v2 ~Part2: Migration~

First of all In my last article, I've created AppGW v1. In this article, let's create AppGW v2 by migration tool provid...

[AWS] How to check resource existence

First of all I guess you have experiences that you forgot to delete unnecessary resources and paid to AWS unfortunately...

[Azure] Migration from AppGW v1 to v2 ~Part1: AppGW v1 creation~

First of all Application Gateway version1 abbreviated to AppGW v1 is implemented to my system. However, I faced a troub...

[AWS] How to develop Redundant Web System ~Part3: Create ELB~

First of all In my previous article, I've explained how to create subnet and EC2 instance for redundant configuration. ...